Trixie goes toTrentino
My God if I needed a break!
After being on & off to London for months I eventually got to Tuscany for a short break and then joined my friends Alessia, Fabrizio, Alessia and la Cucci to Val di Sole.
Although I was craving to be get my claws to a mountain I couldn't resist to the snack jar on the table. Got some for the trip to the
flying park and then to the amazing
Lago dei Caprioli .
Too short staying but enjoyed a LOT company and sights. Not to mention
Tortei de Patate...
Trixie goes to Malta - text only - pics in the previous post
Jeez! this bloody Blogger is a complete disaster!
Ok, pics are in the previous post and comments are here and there.
sorry about that..
Following post pictures are:
My room in Sliema, amazing old-buses in Valletta(they look like Cuban ones, don't they?!), the last day with PA&Domingo&Chicca in Medina.
Still in Medina..amd Medina again..
My room, well the second one I had after complaining about the previous one..
In my rooom writing complaints to the hotel staff.
Too many complaints, I need a drink!
Trying to hang up in the bus but apparently it wasn't designed for tiny dolls.
Bus 652 at Golden Bay.
Sliema, etc...I am sorry but this site is a mess to post and the page layout is a real nightmare! Will do better next time, promised. (Blogspot sucks!)Labels: malta, trixie, wedding
Trixie goes to Malta
Eh yep. My friends Carlo and Betta got married in her native Malta and PA took me with him on this short trip. Lot of fun, drinks, V&T, milkshakes, sea, beaches, but mostly happy friends.
The hotel PA booked looked nice but had few things I'd like to discuss with the staff. Nothing that a Bombay Sapphire couldn't solve anyway.
Enjoy pics and go CarloBettas!

Labels: betta, carlo, malta, pa, trixie, wedding
I am a celebrity, get me out of here!
I knew it was just a matter of time!I finally got some attention from media.Check out this article about my dad and scroll down 'til the bottom to read about me.!

Labels: article, ava, caribbean, living, notari, peniche, pier andrea, trips, trixie
Trixie goes to Pisa
Well, I definitely needed a weekend in Tuscany to unwind a little bit..

Labels: pisa, tower, travel, trips, trixie, tuscany
Trixie goes to Japan for Xmas
Hello again guys, it's been long time since i posted last time, the fact is that, after lot of trips with my owner and friend Pier Andrea, he gave me some time off and sent me to spend few months around the world with a friend. But anyway.
I just came back from a trip to Japan with PA; he took me around and showed me so many amazing places.
We were based in Tochigi area but we went to Nikko for Christmas and to Tokyo for a couple of days. It was an amazing trip and I had so much fun, you should go there, I am planning to do so..
Here's Toshogu Shrine, a place in Nikko to go and feel the spirituality all over the place. I was lucky we had a guided tour with a priest who explained me so many things about this place and all details I wouldn't have known without. Such a lovely and freezing day.

..on my way.. I spent the night in this pension which had a traditional timber bathtub with hot water; it was snowing at night and ..ahem..fortunally no one was there to see me naked having a bath openair under the snow falling all over me..
..a nice day being driven after a nice sushi lunch..
..thanks GPS, very useful..
..a nice day spent at FKD playing drums; I was quite good actually...
..and ending at the cinema.. Shibuya at night looking for a L hotel.. Ginza for a short tour.. ..and drink..

...back to Tochigi I was quite sleepy, you can tell from my eyes.. ..and new years' traditional Osechi box, yummies, plenty of meanings and very nice to see..

..well, that's it guys, I hope it's not gonna take another year to post my new trip.
That one was amazing and I'll go again shortly.
See you next time.
Labels: food, japan, sushi, tochigi, tokyo